A central topic of the GDPR is the consent of the client to use his personal data. YachtSys provides by default a draft of consent text in all online widgets. Of course YachtSys enables you to set up also your own consent text which e.g. your lawyer recommends you to use.
To set up your own consent text just go to configuration, templates and select template type:
“GDPR Checkbox Link Text”
Then proceed as shown on the screenshots below.
And here the tip which will save you a lot of your precious time:
Just contact our support and ask them to copy our default templates in your login. Then you only have to edit the text in already existing templates but no longer need to bother to set up the rules by yourself.
Screenshot 1: How to insert or edit own text for consent
Screenshot 2: How to insert or edit rules for templates
Also the following blog articles regarding GDPR might be interesting to read: