How secure is the system?
High Availability: We host Yachtsys on two identical servers in separated farms of the renowned Hetzner Server Farms in Germany. In case a severe hardware or infrastructure damage will occur in one location, we are able to switch within seconds via failover to the second machine in another location that contains exactly the same data.
Protection and Storage: The YachtSys servers are protected by firewalls that allow only resticed access via HTTP. The superfast SSD hard disks of our servers are mirrored in a Raid system. In case of a hard disk failure the secondary hard disk containing exactly the same dataset instantly overtakes all the system operations. Even such cases occur very rare, the user would not even notice such an incident an could continue working on its system.
Daily backup: All user data and application files are stored every night on back up systems inside and outside the server farm.
SSL Security: The YachtSys access for each partner is protected with a personal login. The login page and all pages behind use SSL security that is also the standard of online banking businesses. You will recognise working on a secure page if you see the "https://" instead of "http://" in the browsers adresss bar.
Your YachtSys® Login: One of the most crucial security aspects is that you ensure the following:
Create for YachtSys a unique secure login password (combination of at least 8 chars using also numbers and special chars)
Keep that password absolutely secret (do not use the same password for other internet services).