Book 5,000 Charter Boats online via Yachtsys®
The Charter Broker Package give agencies direct online access to YachtSys, the world's largest reservation system for yacht charters. Earn a comission of up to 20% as professional yacht charter broker.

The YachtSys Charter Broker Package allows browsing the best charter deals among 5,000 yachts with the embedded YachtFinder®. It enables the agent to create custom charter offers, place options and booking and send them out as customized HTML emails in one of the 13 provided language versions. It also allow online bargaining by placing direct BetterPrice Requests towards providers. The integrated YachtMap allows to zoom into charter operator's marina or measure sea mile distances of  the planned itinerary while having the charter client still on the phone.

The Advanced Package includes the CRM Module that provides a comprehensive administration desktop to comfortably handle all kind of client relations. Charter clients can easily upload their travel documents as skipper license, passport etc.. Also the crew list can be filled online by the client or allows him to restore the last years version as a template. After verification, client documents can be published directly to the charter providers YachtSys account.

The Basic and Advanced Package includes Charter Widgets that you can easily implement into your boat rental web site. Increase your online bookings with client by placing the YachtFinder, TopDeals, Specials and Charter Reviews on your web site. The implementation of the JavaScrip Widgets can easily be done by your webmaster.

The optional Charter CMS WebSite is the ultimate add on for your charter broker business. The fully administratable web site retrieves offers and specials, images and detailed data for more than 5,000 charter yachts of 350 international charter fleets via the integrated Yachtsys Charter Data API. It can be easily edited with your own content, texts, images and videos. The CMS also provides homepage tools like newsletter, polls, faq and articles. All content edited is fully indexable by robots and already search engine optimized with your favourite keyword.

The Charter Data API is also available as optional add-on service to the Charter Broker Basic Package. Just contact us to learn more about this comprehensive yacht charter data feed.

Modules, Packages & Prices
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YachtSys General System Overview
  • Efficient online quotes for 5,000 yachts!
  • Custom HTML emails with all yacht details!
  • Online charter specials on your homepage!
  • Control bookings, invoices and payments!
  • Settle tasks and handle client documents!
How to Create an Order using YachtFinder!
Creating an Order is your way of requesting a boat charter from a Yacht Charter Provider which our system allow you to do with a few simple clicks. After you have entered all the data in the YachtFinder, click the search button and view the results, choosing the one that best fits your needs.

After clicking on that yacht, a pop up with the boat details comes up and you can view and edit additional details such as extra services as well as assign your order to a client form your database. If this is your first order, you can add a client and it will be stored in your own personal database. At the end, click the “Offer” button and wait for the confirmation screen to known your offer has been registered.

The order will now appear in your orders list, but you will also receive a model of the email that will be sent out to the client and which will require his confirmation to book the yacht.

How to Create an Order using YachtFinder
  • Browse through our thousands of offers!
  • Select the yacht, extras and make the offer!
  • Review and edit your order before sending!
How to Create Multiple Offer with YachtFinder!
When scanning through the offers you’re interested in, we present you with the possibility to create a Multi-Offer, which allows you to select multiple boats without the need to close your search results every time you find a boat you’re interested in.

The system will automatically create a Clipboard for you which pops-up on the screen but can be minimized in order for you to continue your search and it will store all the offers you select by clicking “Add to Clipboard”.

After you’re done browsing offers, you can edit the info in the Clipboard by adding or removing those you think are not suitable for you. When completed, simply click “Multiple Offer” and your offer will be sent automatically. You will receive an email with a summary with all the offers you have made, with a PDF version attached which can signed in confirmation as a valid bid request.

How to Create Multiple Offer with YachtFinder
  • Send multiple offers at once!
  • Automatically creates clipboard with offers!
  • You receive an email with offers plus a PDF!
How to Create a BetterPrice with YachtFinder!
A BetterPrice is a special discount which is awarded to you, the Agency based on a number of criteria agreed with the Provider such as a boat show discount or a repeating customer discount.

The steps of making a BetterPrice are at first similar to making an order: find the boat you’re interested in with YachtFinder, and then open the order details. Here, look for the BetterPrice icon and click on it to reveal the type of discount that you will receive (boat show discount, regular customer or other – you need to specify what it is who you established it with).

Enter the name of the customer for which the offer is for and click BetterPrice button to make the offer. An email with your request will be sent to the charter company and they have the option of accepting or not accepting it. If they accept, you will receive an email which will redirect you to the YachtSys from where you can make the reservation from your orders list (the order will appear in Green with a smiley face to let you know it was accepted).

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How to Create a BetterPrice with YachtFinder
  • Allows you to get a customized discount!
  • Sends an email to the provider!
  • You can book directly after acceptance!
How to Control Incoming and Outgoing Payments!
As your orders and invoices increase in number in YachtSys, you might have trouble keeping track of payments as well as incoming and outgoing money. For this, we have devised a simple and intuitive system of keeping track of all your income and balance, saving you from the need to spend hours in front of the computer screen sorting things out.

Simply by applying some filters to the list of invoices found in Reporting – Payments and Invoices, you can get an overview which will let you know what payments you have coming in, what payments are due and what will your cashflow will look like for a predetermined period of time that can be extended to one month.

YachtSys allow you to select the overview either for a single order which will display all payments and invoices attached to that order, or give you an overall look for all the invoices. For both views, you can apply the same filters: First Payment, Last Payment, Cashflow Next 10 Days, Cashflow Next 30 Days.

How to Control Incoming and Outgoing Payments
  • Overview of all invoices by order!
  • Smart filters that allow separate views!
  • Easy to view, to select, to edit invoices!
  • Color coding for your finances!
How to Send Payment Reminders and Confirmations!
Often enough, you’ll find yourself dealing with various customers that may or may not be as prompt as you might want them to be. We understand that and we also understand that when it comes to dealing with money, time is very important.

Yachtsys thus offers you the possibility to perform a number of “Special Actions” regarding your orders and invoices. First off, we sent an automatic proforma invoice to your client which you can review for yourself as a PDF document.

Another action you can perform is to send a Payment Reminder to your client, with just one click from the invoice. A small icon will appear next to your order to remind you of your action. The same steps can be performed in order to send a Payment Confirmation to a customer as well as an Invoice. All these actions are recorded and the system automatically adds a small icon next to your order so you won’t forget and send it again.

How to Send Payment Reminders and Confirmations
  • All orders come with “Special Actions”!
  • Send Confirmations, Invoices with 1 click!
  • Actions marked by attached symbols!


  Charter Broker
Packages Forever Free Basic Advanced
Administration Module
  Company Administration (Contact, Taxes etc.)
  User Administration (Login, Roles & Rights)
  Operator (Base) Administration - - -
  Yacht Administration - - -
  Owner Administration - - -
  Orders List & Order Details
  Accounting (Contracts, Invoices & Payment Reminder) with Export to Excel - - -
  Owner Balance (Revenues & Costs) with customizable Receipt List & Credit Note Creation - - -
Charter Broker Module
  Agency YachtFinder with YachtMap
  Multiple Offers via Wishlist (HTML Email)
  BetterPrice Request
  Customer Database (with Export to Excel)
  Customizable Email Templates (HTML) -
  Widgets for homepage (YachtFinder, Reviews, TopDeals etc.) -
  Salesmanagement (Partner Fleet & Sales Settings)
Charter Fleet Module
  Catalogues (Seasons, Prices, Extras, Discounts & Packages) - - -
  Planning (Booking Table) - - -
  Order Form with multiple Offers, Options and Bookings (as HTML Email) - - -
  Salesmanagement (Agent Settings & Direct Sales) - - -
  Check-in Lists (Transfer, Extra Services etc.) - - -
  Owner Login (Planning, Owner Balance) - - -
  Charter Market Price Comparision (for own fleet) - - -
Quality Module (YachtCheck® Subscription required)
  YachtCheck® Quality Controlling (with Review Invitation via Email) -
Customer Relations Module (CRM)
  Client Login - -
  Tasks (Pending List & Email Settlement) - -
  CRM History (Orders, Emails, Tasks, Voucher and Documents) - -
  Document Upload (Skipper License, Passport and other docs) - -
  Online Crew List with PDF Export - -
  Voucher Creation (Boarding Pass) - -
  Charter Broker
Packages Forever Free Basic Advanced
  Subscription Fee (monthly) 0 € 35 € 110 €
  Get Started Discount 50% (first 6 months)     55 €
  Subscription Fee for Small Fleets (< 12 yachts, monthly) - - -
  Own Charter Web Site (CMS Hosting fee monthly) - - +200 €
  YachtSys Charter Data API On request 
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This solution is...

  • devoted to user needs
  • powered by latest .Net Technology
  • not requiring new hardware
  • secured by SSL protection
  • upgraded regularly
  • modularly enhancable by subscription
  • supported by YachtCheck quality
  • designed for multiple users
  • hosted in renowned server farms
  • supported by our own technicians
  • ready for you to go with

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